In today’s hectic and fast-paced world, almost everybody is vulnerable to some degree of stress. Sadly, many people today are so used to experiencing stress that they don’t even realize it can have a major effect on their health and well-being. For some people, a little bit of stress is actually good, allowing them to get motivated and perform at their best. However, if your stress is becoming a constant problem and you’re feeling overwhelmed, then it’s time to start taking it more seriously and learn how to control it.
Chronic stress can be damaging for both your physical and mental health. But, before you start worrying about how to get rid of stress, you need to understand what it actually is.
Understanding Stress
Stress is caused when a chemical reaction is triggered in the body by some kind of stressor. Stressors include pain (both physical and psychological), extreme temperatures, illness and anxiety. Several changes in the body happen when a stress response is triggered, and these are described as the fight or flight response. Your heartbeat increases and your muscles stiffen up, your blood pressure goes up and your breathing becomes rapid. These are some of the most common symptoms of the basic stress response.
If you know how to handle and manage your stress, a little bit of it is actually good for you. In stressful situations, you respond quickly and can perform at your best. Small doses of stress, especially in the workplace and in case of accidents, are something the human body can easily handle, and there are some people who thrive on these little doses of stress. Only when it goes beyond a specific point and becomes chronic in nature does stress become really dangerous.
How to Recognize Stress
Initially, stress can go undetected because the symptoms of stress in the beginning are not very noticeable. However, as stress starts becoming a constant and chronic condition that causes damage to your physical and mental health, its symptoms can be easily recognizable. Here are some physical, emotional, behavioral and cognitive symptoms that will eventually become apparent in those who are suffering from high stress:
- Displaying a moody behavior, feeling lonely, depressed and isolated, and being unable to relax physically and mentally
- Having a pessimistic view of life, where you constantly feel anxious, worried, upset or threatened
- Finding it difficult to concentrate and making poor judgments and decisions
- Experiencing memory problems
- Changes in lifestyle patterns such as eating and sleeping more or less than usual, becoming irresponsible, becoming isolated and unsocial, and adopting degrading habits such as alcohol and drug consumption
- Experiencing constant nausea, dizziness, colds, aches and pains
- An increase in heartbeat or occurrence of frequent chest pains
- Having diarrhea or constipation, or other digestive irregularities
The more these symptoms start becoming prominent in your life, the more damaging your stress becomes. If you have been experiencing these symptoms for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor to get an evaluation of whether the symptoms you are experiencing are stress-related or not.
How to Get Rid of Stress – 5 Tips For Controlling Stress
If you have stress, there is no need for you to rely on prescription medication. Taking medication for stress during its initial stages can do you more harm than good, because it just masks the symptoms, rather than addressing the underlying causes of your stress. Instead, relying on some natural stress remedies and taking up activities that relieve stress is a much better thing to do. So, to help you fight stress effectively and naturally, here are some tips you will surely find beneficial:
- Learn relaxation techniques that you can practice at home when you start feeling stressed or anxious. This includes deep breathing techniques, meditating, doing yoga, and exercising regularly. Exercise and yoga are especially helpful in terms of relieving stress and keeping you calm and relaxed both mentally and physically.
- Do a little of what you love each day, such as listening to some music (make sure it’s relaxing music!), reading a good book or going for a walk in a park. Make time for hobbies and interests, and build up an active social life. Visit your friends and family members more often and enjoy doing things for pleasure such as going on a picnic or to a movie.
- Learn to adopt a generally positive attitude towards life and especially towards problems and stressful situations that you face. By keeping calm, you can avoid a stress response that gets triggered by the smallest of things.
- Try to eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid turning to comfort foods that are high in sugar or caffeine. Moreover, don’t start drinking, smoking or taking drugs, no matter how stressed you feel, because this will only lead to more problems and stress. If you can’t get enough healthy foods into your diet, try taking a natural supplement that includes herbs and nutrients that help to fight stress.
- Get enough rest and sleep, and at the right time, so that your mind can relax and your body can recuperate from the tiring schedule of the day. The lack of enough sleep can cause stress levels to shoot up substantially.
By making some lifestyle changes and maintaining a generally positive attitude towards life and situations, you can try to keep stress at a minimal level and prevent it from becoming chronic and dangerous. While stress today is unavoidable, it is definitely not uncontrollable.
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