Does 5-HTP Work For Depression, Insomnia and Suppressing the Appetite?

beachAlthough naturally found in the foods we eat and in various plant species such as the West African shrub griffonia simplicifolia’s seeds, 5-HTP in supplement form is becoming increasingly popular, mainly because of the belief that as a pill, it will boost the body’s levels of serotonin.

5-HTP is considered as dietary supplement and widely available in Canada, United States and the United Kingdom.

In its supplemental form, 5-HTP for depression is also used as a sleep aid and appetite suppressant and may be purchased over the counter as gelatinor vegetarian capsules. Early in 2014, 5-HTP became available as a transdermal patch. 5-HTP is produced by the body from tryptophan after which it gets converted into serotonin, the neurotransmitter hormone that helps improve moods and suppresses hunger pangs. Read more >>

Valerian for Sleep: Treat Your Insomnia the Natural Way

valerianThe sweetly-scented perennial plant known as valerian was first used as a medicinal herb by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Valerian for sleep disorders such as insomnia was prescribed by the Greek physician-surgeon Galen to Roman emperors.

Aside from being a remedy for insomnia, the use of valerian for anxiety and other disorders associated with psychological stress is also widely practiced, in lieu of hypnotic drugs. Valerian is also used to treat migraines, stomach upset, hypochondria, nervous asthma, headaches, excitability, epilepsy, ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder), mild tremors, CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and depression. Read more >>