How Effective is GABA For Anxiety?

relaxGABA (amma-aminobutyric acid) has been shown to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, improve moods, relieve depression, and generally enhance emotional well-being. Many take GABA for sleep to overcome sleep disorders while others take it as a relaxant to help them “decompress” when they feel anxious or depressed. Unlike tranquilizers, GABA does not make the user drowsy.

How GABA Works

The neurotransmitter GABA halts over-firing of neurons by an overly-excited brain by calming it down. The GABA opens the membranes of brain cells, brings back their equilibrium balance, and prevents over-stimulation of the neurons which triggers anxiety.

How to Use GABA

GABA starts to work in about 3 hours, more or less, after ingestion. The effect of GABA may last for up to 24 hours, depending on several factors such as body chemistry and its interaction with other supplements and medications that are taken, and the dosage level of ingestion.

To relieve stress, 500 milligrams of GABA is sufficient to result in experiencing a sense of comfort and calm that can last several hours. 1.3g per kg is the ideal dose of GABA for anxiety relief and you will still able to feel the soothing effects upon waking up the next morning. But to be sure, ask a qualified medical practitioner for the right dose for you.

Known Benefits of GABA

The most notable benefit of GABA is its anxiety-reduction properties that work without decreasing cognitive functions of the brain, a condition that most other compounds don’t offer. Performance has been shown to actually improve with GABA while anxiety is alleviated and the level of stress is decreased.

Here some other known GABA benefits:

Neuro-protection: Some studies have shown that GABA protects brain cells from tissue swelling, or edema, because it helps strengthen the brain’s resistance against edema. Edema damages the mitochondria found in the brain’s cells, causing the brain to become tired, hindering its ability to produce energy. GABA is also believed to help normalize the metabolic changes of brain energy brought about by conditions of chronic stress.

Insomnia: With the proper dosage of GABA sleep can be easily obtained whether you have trouble getting sleep, wake up frequently during the night or toss and turn restlessly in bed. Taking GABA could provide you with some relief if not total elimination of your sleeping problems to give you not only better quality sleep but a deeper, more restful kind of sleep. Remember that sufficient sleep is vital for both memory consolidation and cognitive function to work properly when you are awake.

Withdrawal from alcohol and morphine: GABA can help those undergoing withdrawal from alcohol and morphine make their symptoms more tolerable.

Reduction of motion sickness: GABA has also been reported to help in the reduction of motion sickness.

Should You Take GABA?

Users who have taken GABA have reported that it helped them overcome social anxiety, stress, and nervousness. Others reported having more focus and concentration during the day because GABA helped them sleep better at night. According to other users, the reason why they continue to use GABA is that it triggers the absence of “fogginess” in the brain normally associated with tranquilizer medications and supplements.

Like other medication or treatment, GABA may trigger adverse interaction with your current medications and supplements. If you are thinking that GABA may resolve your problems, the best thing to do is to see your health care professional for advice before taking the supplements.

Looking for a Natural Remedy for Depression and Anxiety?

prov-bottleMany anxiety and depression sufferers are finding a supplement called ProVanax very helpful. It combines GABA with other natural ingredients in an effective formula that not only treats depression and anxiety, but also stress and insomnia.

Here’s what one user said about ProVanax:

“Having suffered from depression most of my life, I’ve been treated with many anti depressant and anxiety medications. I was literally a walking pharmacy. From weight gain and the numerous and dangerous side effects, I sought out an alternative way to eradicate my depression. I had done a lot of research and some how, I stumbled upon your product … Long story short, everything in my life has improved. No more depression. Concentration has improved. No more anxiety and I have been a consistent user of ProVanax from day one and can’t imagine my life without! …. ”
(Testimony from company website)

If you want to try an all natural supplement for depression and anxiety, ProVanax might by what you’re looking for.

Click here to learn more about the ProVanax and how it can help you.


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